 | Monday, April 12 2004 |  |  | "You know what the web is like. It's that thing full of pages that you flit between, clicking on linky thingys to see more pages. You read, and move on. It wasn't supposed to be like that. When Sir Tim Berners-Lee came up with the idea of the World Wide Web, he imagined a system where people wouldn't just 'browse' pages, they would 'edit' them as they went along." The Guardian's take on Wikis, entitled "Weave a wiki web". The article suffers from a typical wiki reception problem: the focus is on the "anyone can edit" feature where the at least equally important Wiki-feature of quick and easy interlinking of pages is left aside. Nevertheless, well worth a read.
|  | |  | Michael, 7507 days ago: But Vannevar Bush and his article "As we may think" was long before Tim and it already included editing as a main feature. Tim just put available technologies together to get projects organized better and so at this time editing was not included... what a pity for the whole web, but finally, yes, there now :-)
Michael |
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